Girls Education

Key among SAASSO’s policy priorities is improved education equity, safety and wellbeing for Australia’s girls.




–  A new Australian study reveals different gender experiences of cyberbullying.

–  Research from the University of Queensland shows the startling impact of period poverty on students’ mental health, relationships, attendance and performance at school – with 70% of students      reporting that their period has caused them to miss an entire day of school .

–  SA’s Children’s Commissioner has released recommendations to combat sexism, gendered norms and stereotyping in our schools.

–  Mission Australia’s 2020 Youth Survey found that more than double the proportion of females were treated unfairly due to their gender (48% compared with 22.5% of males).

–  Read SAASSO’s Bulletin on girls in STEM– it could save your life.

–  SAASSO’s Q&A with Helen Connolly, SA’s Children’s Commissioner on the Menstruation Matters report.

Young people explained that their menstruation-related absence from school was often due to strict rules dictating when students can use the bathroom at school.

–  SAASSO’s Period Poverty update on the SA movement to have free period products provided in our public schools. SAASSO’s 2019 survey on period poverty, followed by SA Best’s Connie Bonaros’ bill to trial free menstrual hygiene in schools and the Children’s Commissioner’s 2020 survey pushed the government to act on the issue.

–  The Black Dog Institute’s Youth Mental Health Report discovered that the number of girls suffering psychological distress has increased 7.5% in the recent years, reaching 30% in 2018 – double that of boys.

Double the proportion of females with psychological distress indicated concerns about body image (63.4% compared with 33.8%).

–  SAASSO’s article on PPEP Talks – Endometriosis program for schools. In Australia, an estimated 500,000 women and girls live with endometriosis, with 2/3rds of these women having symptoms that began in their teens.

–  SAASSO’s report on the Alannah & Madeline’s Foundation study on the cost of bullying shows that 33% of girls suffer cyberbullying, compared to 25% of boys.

–  The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) has produced a report card on the health and wellbeing of Australian children. A key finding shows girls – across age groups – are suffering more pressure from schoolwork and homework.

–  Girls and boys have dramatically different career aspirations, according to the report from the Australian Institute of Family Studies. Only 12% of girls expect to complete a trade or technical qualification.

–  An Australian study has explored the long-term impacts of bullying on women. The study involved 17, 015 women aged 18-23 – over 70% had been bullied.

Women who had experienced bullying were at risk of poor physical health, psychological distress, suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

–  SAASSO’s article reports on four studies which ask the question: do girls learn gender stereotypes at school?




Sporty Dress For Success

Schools Bid To End Period Poverty

Do It In A Dress

Forced Marriage

Girls Uniform

Why Girls think Boys Are Smarter

Subtracting Boys Added Attraction




Sports Uniform

Period Poverty

Forced Marriage

School Uniforms

All Girls School