eUpdate - 2018

Education Update 319
12 December 2018

Government sets deadline to make SA leader in music education….

Pay remote teachers more and waive uni debts….

Uni entrance should go beyond ATAR….

How physical activity can help prevent depression….

Dodgy daycare blitz saves $3 billion….

Surveillance in school playgrounds….



Education Update 318
6 December 2018

Australian kids walk out of class in climate change protest….

Union power waning says Lucas….

Principals call for religious education to be scrapped….

One in five NSW high school kids suffer severe deprivation….

Robot teacher companion trialled….

Where you live is determining your school’s NAPLAN score….



Education Update 317
29 November 2018

SA public school teachers vote to strike on Thursday….

Strike may harm teachers’ cause….

Don’t vote Liberal teacher gets a caning….

Labor promises free tampons in Victorian schools….

RAA offers free driving lessons….

What students really think of you….

Australia’s child protection crisis….



Education Update 316
23 November 2018

Teacher strike likely as tensions escalate….

Schools shutdown looms….

Teacher strike could shut down schools….

School program on endometriosis….

Preschool for children with cancer….

Six TAFE courses non-compliant….

Suspension powers failing students….


Education Update 315
9 November 2018

SA students falling behind national averages in NAPLAN….

Disgraced SA teachers….

SA sets 10-year deadline to close Indigenous gap….

SA students experiences with bullying….

Teacher arrested over child sexual offence….

SA school funding….



Education Update 314
19 October 2018

Ban the bullies….

Hundreds of kids locked up….

Children run the gauntlet on roads….

Teachers cop the blame as faith in schools shakes….

SA Labor accused of flip-flopping….

Children lose two years of education….

Enrolment caps on 13 schools….


Education Update 313
6 September 2018

State budget features big spending on school upgrades….

Pace quickens on school building program….

Plan to place SA schools with world’s best….

TAFE four years of lost opportunity….

PE push for students….

France begins ban on mobile phones….

Morrison blasts gender whisperers in schools….


Education Update 312
31 August 2018

SA makes small gains in NAPLAN but still trails….

One fifth miss NAPLAN benchmark….

Anti drugs campaign warning SA schools….

School sport should be run by sporting clubs….

Facial recognition roll trial….

RU OK? Day….

Things to do when reading with kids….


Education Update 311
24 August 2018

State Government funds French class at Highgate Primary….

SAASSO Survey….

Unethical to admit low score teacher trainees….

Researchers urge phonics for all preschoolers….

Women only academic roles….

Schools of 2050….



Education Update 310
3 August 2018

Push to remove union reps from school decisions….

NAPLAN unlocks key to maths….

LBGT diversity bid enters classrooms….

Why kids need more exposure to work….

Parents can promote equality….

Calls for violence inquiry….



Education Update 309
26 July 2018

Parents and school staff want Research Project scrapped….

SAASSO Survey….

State Government wants to track dropouts….

School children to be weighed, measured….

Minister can’t access Hyde Review….

Religious education in schools….



Education Update 308
5 July 2018

New team to deal with Children with trauma….

SAASSO Survey….

Moving year 7 to high school would cost $40m a year….

No jab no pay starts Monday….

SA parents spending up big on education….

Child protection review ordered….

Union calls for pay rise….


Education Update 307
29 June 2018

Public high school dropout rates….

Online NAPLAN trial a success….

Parents urged not to push kids into competitive sport….

Childcare relief could be axed for 235,000….

SA skill survey….

Childcare costs driving early enrolment….

SACE review….


Education Update 306
22 June 2018

Parents of truant kids face fines of up to $5000….

SA attendance fail….

Parents key to boosting academic results….

NSW to review use of phones at school….

Dodgy daycare crackdown….

Parents may decide private funding….

Lock up addicted teens….


Education Update 305
15 June 2018

Half of Year 7 bullies become victims….

SA high school students underfunded….

Drugs in Adelaide schools….

Childcare: SA families will save up to $2800 a year….

Gender-neutral language….

Teaching program is a gem….

SA schools spiralling critical incidents….


Education Update 304
8 June 2018


Fewer than half of teaching positions are openly advertised….

Unions urge State Government to keep Safe Schools Program….

Playford College suspending more girls than boys….

School bags affecting health….

Parents say school banned cartwheels….

Gonski plan turns students into robots….


Education Update 303
1 June 2018

Anti-bullying policies inadequate in many SA public schools….

SA music education crisis….

Editorial: give schools resources to tackle bullies….

Plan for schools to employ their own students….

ALP may axe school chaplains….

Preschool should focus on language….

Overhaul STEM….


Education Update 302
25 May 2018

P plates for teachers….

School speeds confusing dangerous….

Students thrive in stricter schools….

Classroom behaviour key to education success….

Kiwis push for phonics….

End to TAFE monopoly….

What to expect from preschool….


Education Update 301
17 May 2018

NAPLAN wins tick of approval….

Marshall affirms dogs in schools….

Professionals offered fast path to teaching….

Why Aussie kids lag behind….

Labor won’t rule out Safe Schools….

Walk safely to school day….

School / aged care facility….


Education Update 300
11 May 2018

Gonski 2.0….

School chaplains survive….

Editorial: Gonski gives chance to fix failing system….

NAPLAN is an important tool….


Child protection fails to meet targets….



Education Update 299
29 March 2018

Low year 7 attendance – less likely to finish school….

Childcare workers strike….

Homework: parents seek guidance from schools….

Sexism needs to be challenged in schools….

Therapy dogs for schools….

Teachers slipping through the cracks….



Education Update 298
23 March 2018

State Government has no accurate data on students who fail to finish school….

Lack of support for laptops….

TAFE crisis – parents and staff want board sacked….

John Gardner new education minister….

Is number up for ATAR….

Migrant pupils make the grade….



Education Update 297
2 March 2018

SA election 2018 policies on education are lacking….

Special school failure….

Future looking bleak: state of Australian children….

Remove abusers from home rather than the children….

Single sex schools breed scientists….

Children shaped by parents’ youth….



Education Update 296
23 February 2018

Language teaching in SA schools a failing system….


Primary schools with hundreds of spaces as others overflow….

SA preschooler attendance rates are sliding….

Teachers need to learn maths….

Review: could tradies be teachers….

Poor literacy biggest threat….


Education Update 295
9 February 2018

Overcrowding reaches crisis point….

Xenophon TAFE inquiry….

Federal Minister joins experts seeking smartphone ban….

Liberals would sack whole TAFE board….

Low preschool attendance in SA….

Liberals pledge new technical college….

Childcare workers to strike….